The 6th Intervarsity Minifest, Melbourne, 23 Aug.-31 Aug. 1980

Patron: Dame Joan Hammond, Gerald English
Chorusmaster: Bevan Leviston
Accompanist: Bruce Macrae
Camp Venue: Bendigo College of Advanced Education (Osbourne Street Campus)
FIBS: FROGS (Festival Regulation Organisational Grand Scroll; also Frolicking Reunions of Garrulous Singers; Friendly Rooms of Group Sex; Fairly Raw Ordinary Green Steak)


Convenor: David Robson
Secretary: Jenny Vasey
Treasurer: Felicity Johnson
ConMan: Geoff Harrison
Publicity: Peter Sloan
Librarian: Leanne Eades
Camp Officer: Mandy Burritt
Transport/Billeting: Bev Redgen
Social Sec: Katie Purvis
General Ass.: Celia Jane Webb


8pm, 30 Aug., Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University, Clayton
Conductor: Bevan Leviston
Soloists: Merlyn Quaife, Edwin Roberts, Graeme Wall, Jerzy Kozlowski; Piano: Bruce Macrae, Simon Romanos; Organ: Andrew Blackburn
Program: Gaudeamus, Orff Catulli Carmina, Gounod St Cecilia Mass
Notes: Zelman Memorial Orchestra. Percussion for Orff provided by members of the choir who had attended workshop sessions during camp.

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