
Name of an Intervarsity choral societies' magazine. Forerunner to Erato and pre-dating the formation of AICSA.

All highly-regarded, well-run and worthwhile organisations produce a regular newsletter and/or journal to inform members and other interested parties of forthcoming events, provide information on the organisation, its past, present and future achievements and plans, and give the organisation a sense of cohesion and corporate identity.

The first official suggestion for an inter-society newsletter was raised at the 1966 Combined Committee Meeting in Perth. Clem Furphy, representing an absent Rod Fletcher of MUCS, suggested that it was time for the formation of a “national newsletter for all choirs through which they could keep closer contact”. The motion was carried when Furphy stated that MUCS was prepared to edit and coordinate the newsletter for the coming year. At the following year’s council meeting, however, it was reported that:

Events had conspired to prevent the publication of more than one issue, but it was felt that the newsletter should continue. Mr Furphy suggested that the newsletter (entitled “Diapason”) would each year be the responsibility of the society hosting the Festival.

At the 1968 Hobart festival, the re presentives at the combined committee meeting passed a motion to clarify further the role that the newsletter was being asked to fulfil, and specify more clearly its intended contents. It was moved that:

individual contributions to Diapason be a record of practical and technical information regarding works performed by individual societies since the previous festival, including works, scores, orchestra, soloists, costs, grants, etc., and that two (2) roneoed copies be presented to each society at the festival meeting of the Choral Intervarsity Council.

Noble aims, but unfortunately, through a lack of support both in contributions and also in finances, the publication of Diapason soon faltered. The combined committees decided in 1968 that production would cease. In its place, all societies were requested to send copies of their own newsletters to all other choirs on a regular and formal basis so that all could be kept up to date with the goings on around the country.

See also Erato.

AICSAPedia: Diapason (last edited 2020-02-09 10:05:49 by cpe-60-224-22-30)