## page was renamed from Songbookmp3s AICSA and the InterVarsity Choral Festivals have made our name largely by virtue of our concerts featuring major choral works, both from the established repertoire and from Australian composer commissions. But another important and enduring part of our repertoire is the collection of about 30 short works, generally referred to as "Songbook" material or "The National Repertoire of Public Domain Material for University Choirs". This includes motets, part-songs, "Ballett" madrigals etc. This collection evolves from decade to decade, as some songs grow in popularity and others decline - while some evergreens never lose their place. Here are mp3 files of 17 short works popular with festivals and individual University Choral/Musical Societies. Enjoy! © Copyright Australian Intervarsity Choral Societies Association 2011. Other copyright may apply. These tracks are provided for the interest of those concerned with the AICSA movement. Any copying, renting, diffusion, public performance, or broadcasting of these tracks without the authority of the copyright owner(s) is prohibited. Downloads available: * [[attachment:AllePsallite.mp3]] * [[attachment:AveVerum_Byrd.mp3]] * [[attachment:AveVerum_Mozart.mp3]] * [[attachment:Bogorodyitse.mp3]] * [[attachment:BomQuack.mp3]] * [[attachment:ComeAgain.mp3]] * [[attachment:DeepRiver.mp3]] * [[attachment:Gaudeamus.mp3]] * [[attachment:HeiligIstDerHerr.mp3]] * [[attachment:InTeDomineSperavi.mp3]] * [[attachment:Laudate.mp3]] * [[attachment:LocusIste.mp3]] * [[attachment:NKosiSikeleleAfrika.mp3]] * [[attachment:PastimeWithGoodCompany.mp3]] * [[attachment:SinceFirstISawYourFace.mp3]] * [[attachment:Singabahambayo.mp3]] * [[attachment:TebePoyem.mp3]]