== Laudate Errata ==
If you've ever wondered '''anything''' about the history of AICSA your first port of call should (and may well have been) to Dr Peter Campbell's ''Laudate: The First 50 Years of the Australian Intervarsity Choral Movement''.
If you have read the book and have a suggestion for a correction or an addition, then this is the place for you. Please keep the style of any additions to this page similar to those already here.
=== Chapter X ===
* Page XX, Paragraph XX:
Suggestion or correction.
If a correction, include both current and corrected text.
=== Glossary ===
* page xii: under Lurgy, The: [''proper n., '''from lurgi,''' coined by Spike Milligan''... (note variant spelling, and not a proper noun at that)
* page xiv: under Tenor Brain, '''loses''' (not looses)
=== Preface ===
* page xvi: factual error: Laudate was not written for Ely Cathedral; but was a later adaptation - not necessarily by Dr Tye himself - of music from Tye's Actes of the Apostles, published in London, 1553, and dedicated to Edward VI (evidently before his decline and decease in July of that year).
=== Chapter 1 ===
* page 1: 3rd last line, community choral society that is know'''n''' to all...
* page 3: 4th last line, ... Upon the departure of Dan Hardy '''in''' 1948, ...
* page 8: last line, Vaughan Williams ''Mass in G '''minor''' ''but, ...
* page 10: 10th line, The point which both authors appear to wish to emphasis'''e''' is that...
* page 16: 2nd line of 2nd para, possibility of '''losing''' a large sector of... (not loosing)
* page 24: 3rd last line, Choral Intervarsity was seen to be '''losing''' its focus... (ancora)
* page 28, 2nd line, Mason said of the document that '''it''' was... (not is)
* page 43, 4th line, After '''losing''' the ensuing vote... (guess...)
=== Chapter 2 ===
* page 69, 18th line, Piers, James '''Harland''', Campbell Flack, ...
* page 76, 17th line: the look of utter devestation that suffu'''s'''ed the face of Andrew Howell...
* page 81, Program, line 2: replace 'Canta' with 'Cantata'
* page 89, line 12: replace 'Concert 1' with 'Concert'
* page 99, the 22nd Intervarsity Choral Festival (Canberra 1971)<
1st line, ''Song'', ''Alle psallite'', ''West'''r'''on Wynd'', Isaac ''Innsbruck'' (UNCS)
* page 100, the 23rd Intervarsity Choral Festival (Brisbane 1972)<
Other comments: 2nd last line, Philip Bracanin
* page 102, the 25th Intervarsity Choral Festival (Adelaide 1974)<
Notes: Tape operator [Fox]: Tristram Cary
* page 104, the 26th Intervarsity Choral Festival (Sydney 1975)<
concert 1, Program, 6th line, PDQ Bach ed. Schickele ''The Seasonings''<
concert 1, Program, 10th line, J. Taverner ''Dum transisset''
* page 105, the 27th Intervarsity Choral Festival (Hobart 1976)<
concert 1, Program, 2nd line, Janequin ''Au joly boys'' <
concert 1, Program: Morley ''April is in my mistress' face'' (not Farmer)
* pages 106-107, the 28th Intervarsity Choral Festival (Canberra 1977)<
concert 1, Program: Janequin ''Le chant des oiseaux'', Lassus ''La nuit froide et sombre''<
concert 2, Program: Monteverdi ''Ve'''s'''pro della Beata Virgine'' (1610)
* page 113, the 34th Intervarsity Choral Festival (Melbourne 1983)<
concert 2, Program: Gabrieli ''Salvator noste'''r''' ''
* page 114, the 35th Intervarsity Choral Festival (Perth 1984)<
Program, line 1: replace 'Mate' with 'Mater'
* page 115, the 36th Intervarsity Choral Festival (Hobart 1985)<
Chorusmasters: Jeff '''Horsley'''
* page 118, the 39th Intervarsity Choral Festival (Sydney 1988)<
Participants: Fay'''e''' Dumont Singers
* pages 122-123, the 43rd Intervarsity Choral Festival (Hobart 1992)<
Publicity: Susan Williams<
Camp Officer: Louise Le Mottee<
Consultant on Etiquette: Sally Leary
add to concert 1, Notes: With University Brass Ensemble; Organ: Robert Smith<
add to concert 2, Soloists: Simon Biaze'''c'''k, Craig Miller
* page 127, the 47th Intervarsity Choral Festival (Canberra 1996)<
committee, Ombudsperson: Jeff Christensen
* page 128, the 48th Intervarsity Choral Festival (Perth 1997)<
committee, Transport/Billeting: Crisp'''i'''n Harris<
concert 1, Program: Tallis'' '''Te''' lucis ante terminum''
* page 129, the 49th Intervarsity Choral Festival (Melbourne 1998)<
MUCS Liaison: Kate Mc``Mull'''i'''n
=== Appendix F: IVCF Roll-call ===
* page 213<
David Bentley 86''', 91'''<
(Participated in the MonUCS Soprano Aria at MIV 1991)
* page 215<
possible error: Vivienne Cass 66 = Vivienne Cassidy 62?
* page 216<
probable error: Maureen Corbett 70 = Maureen Corbette 71<
error: Judith Cordingley 64, 64, 65 = Judith Cordingly 66
* page 217<
unlikely!: Salvador Dali 93
* page 218<
full name: Anthony Di``Giantomasso 91
* page 221<
probable error: Christopher Griffith 73, 74, 75, 76 = Christopher Griffiths 78
* page 222<
probable error: David Hawkins 58, 59, 61 = David Hawlins 60
* page 223<
unlikely!: Ben Hur 98
* page 224/233<
correlation: Serena Sharp 77, 78, 79, 80 = Serena Kay 82, 83, 84, 90
* page 225<
probable error: Pamea Leck 79 = Pamela Leck 78, 82<
error: Louise Le Mottee 92
* page 226<
possible error: Marie'''-'''Louise Alma 57
* page 226/227<
probable error: Margaret Macdonald 73 = Margaret Mc``Donald 71<
probable error: Rod Macdonald 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61 = Rod Mc``Donald 60<
probable error: Janet Mac``Dougall 87 = Janet Mc``Dougall 89, 91<
probable error: Murray Mac``Gee 55, 56 = Murray Mc``Gee 51, 52, 53, 54<
probable error: Fay Mackenzie 62 = Fay Mc``Kenzie 61<
probable error: Lorna Mackenzie 91 = Lorna Mc``Kenzie 87, 88, 95
* page 227<
error: Tim Mathies 85, 87 = Tim Matthies 86, 88, 89, 91<
probable error: Helen Mc``Dowall 66 = Helen Mc``Dowell 64, 65
* page 228<
probable error: Alasdair Mc``Lellan 98 = Alasdair Mc``Lennan 99<
probable error: Mal Middleton 75 = Malcolm Middleton 74<
probable error: Nona Monahov 74 = Nona Monahove 75
* page 229<
possible error: Robert Myer 57 = Bob Myers 59, 60, 61, 63, 64 = Robert Myers 58<
possible error: Jennie Nelson 59 = Jenny Nelson 58<
probable error: Peter Nicholas 71 = Peter Nickolas 70<
probable error: Ann Noller 51 = Anne Noller 50, 52
* page 233<
probable error: Sue Seaman 58 = Susan Seaman 56, 57<
error: Penelope Sharpe 53 is not the same Penelope Sharpe 85!<
probable error: Sally Shaw 57 = Sally Shawe 55<
probable error: Jenny Shepard 56 = Jenny Sheppard 55
* page 234<
error: Elizabeth Skinner 64,65 = Elizabeth Reynolds 71 (page 232)<
possible error: Jane Stevenson 76 = Jen Stevenson 75, 78?
* page 235<
probable error: Joyce Thompson 63 = Joyce Thomson 64, 65<
error: Val Thomson '''68,''' 69,70, '''77''' = Valerie Brown 71 (page 214)<
error: David Thorp 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 85 = David Thorpe 73, 75 = David Nairn Thorp (full name as on page 105)
* page 236<
unlikely: Gadget van Gonk 96<
error: An'''h'''-Dao Vla'''c'''hos 97, 98
* page 237<
possible error: Pat Wilde 57 = Patricia Wildie 55, 56?
* page 238<
error: Susan Williams '''85,''' 92 = Susannah Williams 99 = Susan Williams (full name correct as given on 115, 130, but not as on 122; Hobart 85, 92, 99 committees)<
possible error: Bob Woodhouse 61 = Robert Woodhouse 64<
probable error: Debra Woodroffe 86 = Debra Woodruffe 87