Flinders University Choral Society (FUCS)

Address: c/- Flinders University, Clubs and Societies Assoc. Inc., GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE SA 5001
Newsletter: Chorus Interruptus

Hosted Festivals:

With an acronym that has at times caused some embarrassment (and none of it on the choir’s part), FUCS has always prided itself on being at the forefront of university choralism. During its earliest years, FUCS received several pointed letters from SUMS addressed to FUMS (the non-existent musical society with the more conservative name). Growing tired of this, the FUCS President wrote a pointed letter back to SUCS! Dr Robert Illing founded a Flinders University of South Australia Music Society in 1965-66. The choir, known as the Flinders University Choral Society, officially broke away from FUSAMS in 1968, and between 1969 and 1973 was conducted by Elizabeth Silsbury. Subsequent conductors have included Michael Goodwin, Johannes Roose, Carl Crossin, Kenneth Lay, Peter Leech, Deborah Hepworth, Judith Both, Peter Gubbins, Kynan Johns, Peter Deane, Timothy Marks and David Keane.

See also: FUCS Conductors, FUCS Presidents

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